Friday, March 14, 2008

Easter Joy

Yes, It 's Easter time remembering Jesus dying for us. Giving himself for us. How marvleous!!
As I get ready to have my First Easter with a little girl in our house I am more excited then a kid in a candy shop!!!!!!!! Realizing the dress I bought her is too small --what a bummer. This week we will be shopping for Easter stuff for the kids.
Of course my second eldest boy decided to take daddy's razor to his head-- of course right in the middle. We are going to try to figure out how to fix it without having to buzz his head.. Well, speaking of my precious little girl --I must go-- the dog food was calling her she is 9 mo old and it is so much fun to play in --so before it is all gone I better go.


javamamma said...

I bought the girls capris this week to go with our clearance rack tops and we're set for easter. Well pretty much! Have fun shopping!

Anonymous said...

Hi!! welcome... i came over from "Embrace..." javamama...

Just want to Congrats you on your little girl. Mine is 10 months old. And ALSO loves the dog food. LOVES it. She eats it. And eats it... it so grosses me out. I'd remove it from the floor, but then, I don't want the dog on the counter eating his food. Oh the dilemmas...

Jenni at talking hairdryer said...

I came over via javamama. I just wanted to welcome you to blogland and wish you lots of fun. Blogging is a wonderful journey and you get to meet some pretty great people.

Happy Easter!